Meet The Founder

Ali Goldman was on a mission to create a product that would be a simple solution to a common, everyday problem. Ever since graduating with a Design degree from UC Davis in 2013, this was a goal she couldn't shake.
While traveling around Southeast Asia in May-June of 2017, living the glamorous hostel life with limited personal space, she found herself constantly taking everything out of her bags (i.e. makeup, toiletries, hair ties), spreading it all over her bed, only to pack it right back up again. She knew there had to be a better way.
After returning to the states, she lay awake one night mulling over this problem. Once she began picturing an origami-like bag that would transition from a bag to a tray, sleep was no longer an option. She flipped on the lights at 1:00am, started building the first prototype out of Manila envelopes, and the idea for SplayTray was born.